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Authenticate with OAuth

When you invoke a fidesops API, you must pass an access token as the value of the Authorization header. Furthermore, the token must include a scope that gives you permission to take an action on the API. For example, let's say you want to create a new Policy by calling PATCH /api/v1/policy. The token that you pass to the Authorization header must include the policy:create_or_update scope.

This document explains how to craft a properly-scoped access token.

Create the root client


The fidesops Postman collection includes several example requests to assist in set up and configuration.

First, create an access token for the "root" client, included in the deployment by default. The root client's token is all-powerful: It contains all scopes, so it can call any of the fidesops APIs.

To create the root token, you pass the OAUTH_ROOT_CLIENT_ID and OAUTH_ROOT_CLIENT_SECRET environment variables (which are automatically defined in your system) to the POST /api/v1/oauth/token endpoint. You also set the grant_type parameter to client_credentials:

curl \
  -X POST 'http://<HOST>:8080/api/v1/oauth/token' \
  -d client_id=$OAUTH_ROOT_CLIENT_ID \
  -d client_secret=$OAUTH_ROOT_CLIENT_SECRET \
  -d grant_type=client_credentials

You'll notice that there's no Authorization header. This is the only fidesops API that doesn't require an access token.

If the token call is successful, the response will return the root client's access token in the access_token property:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "access_token" : "MTI4Q0JDJSrgyplbmMiOiJBjU2I..._X0hTMyXAyPx",
  /* ignore any other properties */

Create additional clients

Because the root client's token is all-powerful, it can create new clients and new client ID/client secret pairs which can be used to create additional access tokens.


For general best practices, we recommend creating a client with scope CLIENT_CREATE to create any new clients. This will help to reduce the utilization of the all-scopes root client.

To create the client ID/secret pair, call POST /api/v1/oauth/client:

curl \
  -X POST 'http://<HOST>:8080/api/v1/oauth/client' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <root_access_token>'
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
  -d '{ "scopes": ["policy:read", "rule:read"]}'

For this call, we have to populate the Authorization header. Notice that the header's value is formed as Bearer <token>. We also have to declare the request's Content-Type to be application/json.

Authorize a client with scopes

To add scopes to the client, the body of your request must contain an array of scope tokens.

You can retrieve the available scopes by calling GET /api/v1/oauth/scopes, or you can look in the scope registry file.

If the call is successful, Fidesapi responds with a new client ID/client secret pair:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "client_id" : "<new_client_id>"
  "client_secret" : "<new_client_secret>",

Create an access token

You then create a new access token by calling POST /api/v1/oauth/token with the new credentials.

In the above example, your new access token only lets the client read policies and rules -- the client cannot create other clients, write policies, or perform other operations using fidesops APIs.

Access token expiration

By default, access tokens expire after 11520 minutes (8 days). To specify a different expiration time (in minutes) set the OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRE_MINUTES environment variable.

If you call a fidesops API with an expired token, the call returns 401.

Other OAuth Calls

Fidesops defines OAuth operations that let you delete a client, and read and write a client's scopes. See the OAuth section of the API documentation for details.

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