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Code Style

Black formatting

Fides's code is formatted using the black style. This style is checked in a CI step, and merges to master are prevented if code does not conform.

To apply black to your code, run black from the root fidesops directory:

cd fidesops
black .

A number of extensions are available for popular editors that will automatically apply black to your code.


Fides's code is linted using pylint. Linter checks run as part of a CI step and merges to master are prevented if code does not conform.

To apply pylint to your code, run pylint from the root fidesops directory:

cd fidesops
pylint src

Mypy typing

Fides's code is statically-typed using mypy. Type checking is validated as a CI step, and merges to master are prevented if code does not pass type checks. As a general rule, mypy typing requires all function arguments and return values to be annotated.

cd fidesops
mypy src
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