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Fides includes an implementation of fideslog to provide Ethyca with an understanding of user interactions with fides tooling.

All collected analytics are anonymized, and only used in either product roadmap determination, or as insight into product adoption. Information collected by fideslog is received via HTTPs request, stored in a secure database, and never shared with third parties unless required by law.

More information on use, implementation, and configuration can be found in the fideslog repository.

Collected Data

Fideslog collects information on instances of Fides by recording internal events. Using Fides may result in sending any or all of the following analytics data to Ethyca:

Parameter Description
docker If fides is run in a docker container.
event The type of analytics event - currently, either a server start or endpoint call.
event_created The time of the event.
endpoint The endpoint accessed.
status_code The status result of the request.
error Error information, if any.

Disabling Fideslog

To opt out of analytics, set either the following fides environment variable or .toml configuration variable to True.

Variable Default Use
analytics_opt_out False Include in your fides.toml file.
FIDES__USER__ANALYTICS_OPT_OUT False Include in your environment variables.
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